Galmart Supermarket

🛒 Galmart Supermarket

Rating: 4.2 (496 reviews)

🔗 Contact Information

Phone: 0729 980811


🕒 Operating Hours

Open: Closes 11:01 PM

📸 Photos & Videos

All photos available.

🔍 Overview

Galmart Supermarket offers a wide range of products with a focus on quality customer service and competitive pricing.

💬 Customer Reviews

Recent Reviews:

  • Captain Akuunas: "I bought Gillette men's deodorant, but it had expired. The customer service refused a cash refund and only offered a coupon for store credit."
  • Dr. “Link” Pain: "Good supermarket with a bakery, but they don't have a lot of offers."
  • MaxZ: "This place qualifies as my all-in-one shopping place."

🔍 Nearby Stores

People also search for:

  • SAFAMART SUPERMAKET LTD: 4.3 (433 reviews)
  • Kaymart Supermarkets: 3.3 (7 reviews)
  • G-Mart Supermarket: 4.1 (18 reviews)

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